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Friday, November 11, 2011

Raid Etiquette

This is something I put together and forced my guild to read to help them slack less. Its helpful especially if your new into the raiding scene or new to the Guild/Raid leading position. Hope this helps some of you out there as it had helped us.

--->Before the Raid<---

1. Did you sign up?/Did you let everyone know you cant make it?
-Signing up for raids is important as it lets the Raid Leaders and Inviter know what to expect as far as composition and if there will be enough players on to raid.
-If you cant make a raid day please post in the MIA forum that you will be out that day/week/month/year. It is helpful to let us know in advance so we can make arrangement's to make sure we have your spot filled come raid night.

2. Are you on time?
-Invites start at 8:00 pm Server Time and we like to leave no later than 8:30 pm Server time, the sooner you get on the sooner we can head out!
-It is also important to make sure you are not in group and are on your main toon at this time, pay attention to Guild Chat and watch for the Raid Inviter's Announcement.

3. Are you prepared?
-Do you have your own food, flasks, and potions? (In case these are not being provided)
-Have you repaired?
-Is your gear properly gemmed and enchanted?
-Are your mods installed and working properly?
-Coming unprepared hinders the raids ability to do what we need to do come raid time. Hoping on right at raid time and trying to take care of add ons is unacceptable. Have your add ons working and ready before raid time not during. Making sure you are ready and able to perform is a top priority.

4. Have you read the boss strategy's?
- Not reading these not only hinders you it hinders the entire raid. The I'll learn it when I see it method puts us behind the curve. Knowledge is power!

--->During the Raid<---

1. Leave your Ego at the door.
-Your not in the raid to show off your LEET DPS Skills. Were all running meters we know who's on top, if your slacking on dps don't worry we'll let you know. So focus on the fight and quit worrying about being on top. If you want to improve your DPS quit worrying about it and worry about that Giant Fireball that just kicked your ass because you were too worried about the meter.

2. Emotions are Contagious
-Don't take it personally if something is said in Mumble about the raids overall performance. "We need to step it up" and other sayings along those lines are not pointing out specific players but the raid as a whole. We are all under-performing if the raid is failing.
-If you are not the raid leader it is not your job to point out peoples mistakes via mumble or tells. If you have a problem with someone's raid performance whisper your raid leader and let them handle it. Keep it mind not every situation can be solved right at that second, be patient.
-Ask yourself are the comments your making fueling the fire or are they actually constructive and legit. Remember if your comments lean towards the disrespectful side its better you say nothing at all and wait till you can put your concerns into a better form of wording.

2. Pay Attention
-The Raid leader may need to make adjustments to the strategy, it is vital that you are paying attention when this information is being dealt out. You don't want to be the guy/girl that was off looking at porn and doesn't know what to do and wipes the whole raid.
-This is also important during encounters, watch your Boss Mods counters they are there for a reason. If you get hit with something, its your own fault for not paying attention to the fight.
-Ask yourself "What can I do better?"

3. Be a team player
-If the raid leader assigns you to a task, do it. There is a reason you have been asked to do whatever it is you need to do. If your assignment doesn't seem to be working out for you after a few attempts whisper your raid leader and work it out in tells not in raid chat.

4. Its a WIPE!
-If the Raid Leader declares that "Its a Wipe" this does not mean take your sweet time to die. This is the time for you to throw yourself into the fire, punch the boss in the face and die as quickly as possible. By doing this you give players who have abilities that take them out of combat to live through the wipe and Rez everyone so you don't have to run back and there is less downtime.
-Wait for it to be made clear that there is a MASS REZ INC before zoning into the instance. Maybe you didn't hear the person on Mumble declare the Rez, check your Raid Chat before zoning in or ask again if you are uncertain.
-After a wipe be sure to get all your ducks in a row. Eat food, Get a new HS/Mana Gem, Buff up. The more efficient we are at doing this the quicker we will kill the boss!

5. NO AFK-ing After Wipes or Ninja AFK-ing
-This slows down how many attempts we can actually get in on a boss. One person goes afk then a afk train starts and takes the raid even longer to get back to what it is were there to do aka raid..
-From now on we will schedule mini breaks within our raid night. At that time feel free to go smoke, eat, look at porn, pee or whatever it is you want to do in that short time period.
-In the event an AFK is unavoidable let the Raid Leader know why and give them an estimate of how long it will take you to return. Keep in mind that if your AFK will take over 15 mins you are subject to being replaced for the night.
-If you are a repeat AFK Offender on a certain night be prepared to get a warning if after being warned you still continue to ex."AFK House on Fire" or Ninja AFK (yeah you the one who is not moving) you will be replaced.

6. Take Responsibility for your Mistakes
-If you let the raid down and caused a wipe please fess up to it. The sooner we identify WHY we died the quicker we can correct our mistakes.
-If your having trouble with a certain part of the fight and continuously keep making the same mistake pst your Raid Leader and see if they have any suggestions how to improve on this problem.


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